Learn More About Amethysts

Learn More About Amethysts

Posted on April 27th, 2023.

Amethyst is a beautiful purple crystal that has been highly valued throughout history for its beauty and healing properties. It is a member of the quartz family and is often found in geodes or clusters. The purple color of amethyst comes from the presence of iron and manganese in the crystal. Amethyst is a powerful crystal that is often used for spiritual and emotional healing.

The History of Amethyst

Amethyst has a long and rich history that dates back to ancient times. The ancient Greeks believed that amethyst had the power to ward off drunkenness and other negative behaviors. They also believed that it could protect against evil and promote spiritual growth. In medieval times, amethyst was believed to be a symbol of royalty and was often used in jewelry worn by nobility. Today, amethyst is still highly valued for its beauty and its powerful healing properties.

The Physical Properties of Amethyst

Amethyst is a variety of quartz and has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale, which makes it a relatively hard and durable crystal. It is typically found in geodes or clusters and can range in color from pale lavender to deep purple. The intensity of the purple color can vary depending on the location where the crystal was found. Amethyst can be found all over the world, including Brazil, Uruguay, and Zambia.

The Spiritual and Emotional Properties of Amethyst

Amethyst is a powerful crystal that is often used for spiritual and emotional healing. It is believed to promote inner peace, balance, and spiritual growth. Amethyst is also thought to help alleviate anxiety, stress, and negative emotions. It can be used to support meditation practices and enhance intuition and psychic abilities.

How to Use Amethyst

Amethyst can be used in a variety of ways to promote healing and well-being. It can be worn as jewelry, placed on the body, or used in meditation practices. Amethyst can also be used to create a crystal grid or elixir.


Wearing amethyst jewelry can be a simple and effective way to incorporate the crystal's energy into your daily life. Amethyst can be worn as a necklace, bracelet, or earrings. The crystal's energy will be in constant contact with your skin, helping to promote emotional balance and spiritual growth.

Placing on the Body

Placing amethyst on the body can be a powerful way to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. The crystal can be placed on the chakras or held in the hand during meditation. Amethyst can also be used to alleviate physical pain, such as headaches and migraines.

Creating a Grid or Elixir

Creating a crystal grid with amethyst can amplify its healing properties and promote healing in a specific area or intention. Amethyst elixirs can also be created by placing the crystal in water and allowing it to infuse its energy into the liquid. The elixir can be ingested or used topically to promote healing and well-being.

The Benefits of Amethyst

Amethyst has many powerful healing benefits for the mind, body, and spirit. It is a versatile crystal that can be used to alleviate physical pain, promote emotional balance, and enhance spiritual growth.

Physical Healing

Amethyst is believed to alleviate physical pain and promote overall physical well-being. It can be used to alleviate headaches, migraines, and other types of physical discomfort. Amethyst is also thought to support healthy sleep patterns and alleviate insomnia.

Emotional Healing

Amethyst is a powerful crystal that can help to alleviate stress, anxiety, and negative emotions. It can be used to promote emotional balance, inner peace, and self-awareness. Amethyst is also believed to promote feelings of calm and tranquility, which can be helpful for those who struggle with feelings of overwhelm or anxiety.

Spiritual Healing

Amethyst is a powerful crystal that is often used for spiritual healing and growth. It is believed to enhance intuition and psychic abilities, promote spiritual awareness, and support a deeper connection to the divine. Amethyst can be used to enhance meditation practices and promote spiritual growth and transformation.

How to Care for Amethyst

Amethyst is a durable crystal that is relatively easy to care for. However, it is important to take some basic precautions to ensure that your amethyst stays in good condition.


Amethyst can be cleaned using warm, soapy water and a soft cloth. Be sure to rinse the crystal thoroughly and dry it with a clean cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as these can damage the crystal's surface.

Charging and Programming

Amethyst can be charged by placing it in the sun or moonlight for a few hours. This can help to amplify its energy and promote healing. Amethyst can also be programmed with a specific intention by holding the crystal in your hand and focusing your intention on it.


When storing amethyst, it is important to keep it away from other crystals and jewelry to prevent scratches or damage. You can store amethyst in a soft cloth or pouch to protect it from dust and debris.

How to Choose Amethyst

When choosing amethyst, it is important to choose a crystal that resonates with you and feels energetically aligned with your needs.

Color and Clarity

The color and clarity of amethyst can vary depending on the location where it was found. Look for amethyst that has a deep, rich purple color and good clarity. The crystal should be free from any cracks or inclusions.

Size and Shape

Amethyst can come in a variety of sizes and shapes, from small tumbled stones to large geodes or clusters. Consider your intended use for the crystal when choosing the size and shape that is right for you.

Intuition and Connection

Ultimately, the best way to choose amethyst is to trust your intuition and choose the crystal that feels energetically aligned with your needs. Hold different amethyst crystals in your hand and see which one feels most energizing or calming to you.


Amethyst is a beautiful and powerful crystal that has been highly valued for its healing properties throughout history. By incorporating amethyst into your self-care routine, you may be able to promote physical healing, emotional balance, and spiritual growth in your life. At Blue N Bliss, we offer a wide selection of high-quality amethyst crystals and accessories to help you on your healing journey. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about my products, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected].

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